Episode 1- Rough & Raw “T2 experiment”

<a href=”https://t2experiment.podbean.com/mf/play/zvqhyb/T2-1.m4a”>Download this episode (right click and save)</a>




Not exactly as I would of planned but there nonetheless. Shipped episode 1. Its junk audio with not editing but I did not wish to edit the raw nature of my open mic moment/ revelation that has me more focused than ever.

I need to get better quickly at very easily learned skills

  1. Recording my own voice
  2. Utilizing the software
  3. editing and importing
  4. all the extras and fancy things will come

as Seth says Drip by Drip

Its Ugly, maybe even FUGLY but its Shipped.

The journey begins.

One year out from Masters Classic Bodybuilding


Lets Ride!